Abu Dhabi requires weekly COVID-19 tests for government employees, reduces attendance


Abu Dhabi government employees will be required to undergo a weekly COVID-19 test as authorities reduce office attendance to 30 percent capacity, the capital’s media office announced on Saturday.

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“The Department of Government Support has approved reducing attendance at the workplace in Abu Dhabi government and semi-government entities to 30 per cent, to bolster precautionary measures implemented in the emirate and protect the health of employees and their families,” the media office said in a Twitter thread.

Those who are volunteers in the country’s vaccine trials or anyone who has already been vaccinated and “have active icons (gold stars or letter E)” on the government’s COVID-19 app Alhosn are exempt from the weekly PCR test.

Meanwhile, remote work has been approved for all employees that can fully complete their job tasks remotely, those who are 60 years or older, employees with chronic diseases or a weak immunity, and people of determination.


Last Update: Saturday, 06 February 2021 KSA 12:55 – GMT 09:55