Aspinwall Explores Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations to Boost Sustainability


Aspinwall Explores Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations to Boost Sustainability

Aspinwall, a small borough in Pennsylvania, is taking steps towards a greener and more sustainable future by exploring the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. Borough officials are currently in talks with Duquesne Light’s Community Charging Program to provide three stations, each capable of charging two vehicles simultaneously.

The primary objective behind this initiative is to offer a convenient resource for residents who own EVs but lack access to home charging stations. Additionally, the installation of these stations would serve as an added perk for the business community, attracting more shoppers to the local businesses.

Council Vice President Lara Voytko, who is spearheading the project, highlighted the need for such infrastructure. She said, “Many residents do not have access to home charging stations, and it would be an added perk for patrons of our business district.”

While the specifics of implementation are yet to be finalized, the planned location for the charging stations is the parking lot across from the borough building along Commercial Avenue. The six parking spaces required for the stations will also serve as regular parking spaces, ensuring optimal utilization.

Under Duquesne Light’s Community Charging Program, Aspinwall is responsible for the installation and maintenance of the charging stations, while the power infrastructure will be constructed by the utility company. The borough is currently gathering estimates for the charging stations to comply with the program’s requirements.

The comprehensive plan survey conducted by the borough indicated that EV charging stations were in high demand among the public, further reinforcing the importance of this project. However, the timeline and pricing for charging a vehicle at these stations are yet to be confirmed.

Aspinwall is joining other neighboring communities, such as O’Hara and Oakmont, in embracing sustainability through the installation of EV charging stations. The recent installations in O’Hara Township Community Park were partially funded by a $21,000 grant from the state, highlighting the government’s commitment to supporting eco-friendly initiatives.

As the project progresses, Aspinwall aims to monitor the effectiveness of the charging stations and make necessary adjustments. This forward-thinking approach to sustainability not only benefits the environment but also positions the borough as a progressive community, appealing to both residents and visitors alike.