Diversity and gigantic projects made Dubai global


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A European report said that the secret behind Dubai’s success and its popularity is mainly due to the economic development policy adopted by the emirate since the beginning of its emergence, with Dubai being considered one of the most prominent cities in the world to have succeeded with building a distinguished and prestigious brand for itself.

The Swiss website, The Place Brand Observer, which specializes in evaluating brands for countries and cities, stated that the credit for Dubai’s success and the popularity of its brand is due to the economic development policy, which mainly depends on economic diversification and the establishment of more than one source of income such as trade, financial and banking services, real estate, tourism, leisure and others. He added that within the framework of this policy, Dubai has built gigantic projects, the most famous of which are the “Burj Khalifa”, the tallest building in the world, “The Dubai Mall”, the largest shopping center in the world in terms of area and others major development projects.

The site had published a particularly comprehensive report on Dubai in which it reviewed the factors that enabled Dubai to build the current reputation it enjoys and explained how Dubai benefited from its reputation by attracting investment and capital. He emphasized that Dubai has invested its wide fame in consolidating its position as the most important center for trade and investment in the Middle East, as well as being a futuristic city that provides its residents with advanced living experiences, anticipating the future through modern, ultra-modern and advanced intelligent public technologies and services.

He stated that Dubai’s reputation has become more consolidated due to its advanced performance on various global indicators that monitor city brands, pointing out that Dubai’s desire to always be the best and the highest is an important and prominent feature of Dubai’s personality and the idea of ​​officials responsible for its management.
