Salem Bin Ham Cultural Center website launch


Al Ain – The Gulf

The Board of Directors of the Salem Bin Ham Cultural Center announced the launch of the center’s website on the Internet with modern and innovative designs, modern specifications and global competition, imitating the latest developments in the digital revolution in the field of programming , design and administration of websites worldwide.

The inauguration of the site was attended by Sheikh Muslim bin Salem bin Ham Al Ameri, Member of the Advisory Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Chairman of the Board of Salem bin Ham Cultural Center, Sheikh Dr. Mubarak bin Salem bin Ham, Sheikh Dr. Abdullah bin Salem bin Ham, Sheikh Saqr bin Salem bin Ham and Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Muslim bin Ham.

The council emphasized that the cultural center’s website provides its visitors with a unique experience in terms of easy browsing, access to information and interactive and knowledge participation through smooth and simple steps that ensure the efficiency and flow of research to meet the visitors’ wishes.

Sheikh Muslim bin Ham said: “The launch of the website falls within the framework of the Center’s continuous efforts to achieve excellence in aspects of work in the field of heritage and culture, in line with the aspirations of the rational government.