Tips for staying active and healthy in Abu Dhabi


Try running on the beach!

It’s time to put on those new running shoes and get your health in order!Order cute tracksuits and to the beach. You can work up a sweat, enjoy the cool Arabian winter and even splash around in the sea with your kids and family. Make it a fun family activity!

De-stress with meditation!

When was the last time you sat still? Meditation is just about keeping calm, but it also helps to focus on your mind. It is a tool that helps the mind and also helps reduce stress. Try apps like Calm and Headspace and try to find the right work-life balance!

Make your steps!

Abu Dhabi Park
Credit: Maqsoodshareef/Pixabay

Ready to move? Abu Dhabi is a very pedestrian-friendly city, especially in winter.Take advantage of cold weather Explore local attractions, shopping malls, landscaped gardens, and even a theme park and museum. The city has no shortage of entertainment, so go for a walk!

Try cooking healthy meals!

Are you afraid to cook, either for yourself or for your family? Use your time with the cooking skills you have to master and invite the little ones to help. Youtube and popular cooking blogs, including food service for ready meals for you, are a huge help!

Enjoy creative hobbies!

Sudoku Puzzle
Sudoku puzzles. Credit: Piqsels

When was the last time you took up a new hobby? Whether you like to stay at home or travel, creative hobbies can help pass the time and keep your mind busy. Paint to relieve stress, bake, tidy or decorate the house, and even try out puzzles to relax and unwind. You never know what can help your mental health!