What Is Clean Energy Charging On iPhone (And Should You Turn It Off?)


If your iPhone runs on iOS 16.1 or older, and you’re in the U.S., there’s a good chance you’ve been using Clean Energy Charging already. The function is switched on by default, which is what led to some confused reactions across social media when the update went live in October 2022. For Clean Energy Charging to work, several additional settings such as Location Services, System Customization, and Significant Locations are also activated. 

However, the same functions that make Clean Energy Charging so beneficial can also make it an inconvenience depending on your lifestyle. The iPhone may charge in different ways based on frequently used locations such as home or work, for example. So, if you travel often, or have a constantly shifting schedule, it may be difficult to integrate this feature into your life. 

Thankfully, it’s easy to turn off Clean Energy Charging entirely. To have your phone charge quicker, simply press the ‘Charge Now’ function on the ‘Suspended Charging’ lock screen notification. To turn it off, go into the ‘Battery Health & Charging’ section of your Settings app and toggle off the ‘Clean Energy Charging.’