5 Ways Your Business Can Lower Its Carbon Footprint With Fleet Maintenance Software


Using fleet maintenance software for route planning and vehicle maintenance can help your business become a better environmental steward. It can be one component of a strategy to reduce the corporate carbon footprint and appeal to consumers who patronize eco-friendly companies.

More and more businesses are adopting corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies to demonstrate their commitment to being a good steward of the environment. CSR also includes a focus on social, governance, and ethical issues designed to show that money isn’t everything.

If you want to lower your corporate carbon footprint, one way to do so is to invest in fleet maintenance software. Using it will help you better operate your fleet of vehicles in a way that better aligns with your business’ CSR game plan. 

Here are five ways such software can help.

  1. Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance can help lower your corporate carbon footprint — and fleet maintenance software will facilitate the maintenance schedule. It can’t be haphazard. For preventative maintenance to work, your business must stay up to date on maintenance. That means doing oil changes, topping off fluid levels, maintaining and replacing brakes, rotating tires, and more. 

When your fleet vehicles function at peak efficiency, your vehicles will be more eco-friendly. Failing to take proper care of your cars will have a more negative impact on the environment.

  1. Keep Track of Fuel Use

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the average passenger vehicle emits approximately 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. Depending on how much use your fleet gets, your vehicles emit more or less than the typical amount for a passenger car, truck, van, SUV, or some other type of vehicle. 

When using fleet maintenance software, your business can stay on top of how much fuel the fleet vehicles consume. That’s a bonus if the goal is to reduce your company’s environmental impact. If too much fuel is being used weekly or monthly, you can find ways to slash the fuel expenditures. That might mean better route planning or even replacing cars in your fleet with more fuel-efficient options. You’ll have the information needed to make informed business decisions. 

  1. Optimize Routes

Yet another way fleet maintenance software can help make your business more environmentally friendly is by facilitating better route optimization. You can use such software to ensure your drivers take optimal routes that take less time, require less gas, and emit fewer emissions.  

  1. Stay on Top of Usage

Fleet maintenance software will also help your business track how drivers operate the vehicles. This data can inform decisions on route optimization, maintenance, and more. Knowing how often employees use the fleet vehicles will ensure vital maintenance is performed on schedule. Depending on the frequency of use and the conditions under which workers use the vehicles, your fleet might require more maintenance than average. So, staying on top of things is key. And your vehicles will operate more efficiently when you do maintenance at proper intervals.

  1. Monitor Driver Behavior

Learning about driver behavior is another advantage of fleet maintenance software. You can see how they operate your cars, such as whether they brake harshly, idle aggressively, or drive aggressively. Once you get this information, you can decide whether or not drivers should be educated on proper behind-the-wheel behavior. You can also let drivers know how their behavior can aid the company in meeting its environmental commitment. 

These are some advantages of using fleet maintenance software to facilitate a corporate eco-friendly policy. It’s an investment that’ll help reduce your corporate carbon footprint.

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.


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