Entrepreneur Minute – Amanda Clark, PulManage


The Who’s on the Move, Entrepreneur Minute is an interview in support of the undeniable impact that entrepreneurs have on our communities. We will be highlighting 20 entrepreneurs in each of our markets (Columbia, Greenville and Charleston) with a short video. You will see a diverse group of entrepreneurs and we will be exploring the theme of overcoming obstacles.

We would like to thank our sponsors of this video series:


Amanda Clark, CEO, PulManage

PulManage™ is a remote patient monitoring platform that provides connectivity between patients and providers to help better manage pulmonary health.

The PulManage™app is designed to provide information to help patients and physician monitor a patients respiratory function. The app pairs with the Vitalograph® Lung Monitor device to record and report lung function and other physiologic data to improve care for Chronic Lung Disease (CLD) and COVID patients.


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