Fashion Week 2021 kicks off in Dubai – News


The first and second days of the event featured exceptional collections from renowned designers.

A design by Atelier Zuhra (Photos: Shihab)

A design by Atelier Zuhra (Photos: Shihab)

By CT Desk

Posted: Sat 18 Dec 2021, 11:30

Last update: Sat 18 Dec 2021, 15:08

The current Fashion Week 2021 presents the best Asian designers and their exceptional collections. Held at The Arena, IMG Worlds of Adventure, on an exquisite specially designed ramp, the event is a three-day fashion extravaganza that promises to delight all fashion lovers and style influencers.

Faithful to the trajectory traced by the Rulers of Dubai, we have created this Fashion Week to support designers. Our goal is to revive the fashion trade, by stimulating the generation of livelihoods for the farmer who cultivates the fiber, the weavers, the mills, the artisan embroiderers, the tailors. It’s time to shine the spotlight on creators, choreographers, makeup and hairstylists, models, sound and light producers, to give them a platform to shine after the pandemic, said the founder and producer of the Fashion Week 2021 Saif Ali Khan, who is also the spearhead of Supreme Events, the producers of this event.

Kevin Olivers’ choreography sets this event apart from most of the fashion weeks of the past. It was pure theater. The musical performances, the play of light transformed the stoic models into actors! Fashion Week 2021 set the bar high when it comes to highlighting style.

Some highlights from Thursday’s shows (Day One):


Rabia Z and Ameera Al Ahli are sisters who collectively founded House of Ikat to revive their Emirati and Uzbeki heritage. Using a treasure trove of Ikat prints donated by their grandmother, they modernized local fashion staples like the Emirati mukhawar.

While Rabia Z’s silhouettes were modest yet modern, with a touch of feminine flow, Ameera showcased some bold luxury streetwear. Both collections reflected the region’s vast vocabulary of women’s fashion.

Zuhra Workshop

Emirati designer Atelier Zuhra (design pictured above) presented a Rebirth collection celebrating Dubai’s love for grace and elegance.

Rich, high-quality fabrics, finely crafted, in an ethereal color palette of emerald greens, fuchsia and romantic yellows, have all been inspired by the beauty of the ocean. Representing the designers’ vision, this collection has been designed to make every woman feel chic and comfortable.

The Victor closet

Created for the unconventional, courageous and confident man, this collection showcased the unique signature and vision of three designers to create edgy and assertive streetwear pieces.

Paying great attention to detail, from the hand stitching to the finesse of the fit, the designers have perfected each set with a focus on the details. This is not a collection for the faint-hearted, but a choice for those who want to be on the cutting edge of style.

Angelo Estera

Channeling a winter ball hosted by the Tsar of Russia in the early 19th century, Angelo Estera drew on pages of Russian history to recreate this in a contemporary context. Echoing the elegance and preciousness of luxury, the designer used rich brocades, French lace, sheer tulle, texture with an ornament of rare caviar pearls to create ensembles worthy of modern royalty. Angelos’ sewing skills were seen through his highly technical construction of ball gowns and exquisite boning cuts.

Along with the glamor of the event, there is a community initiative called Bazaar, which showcased delicious products from the region’s micro and small business owners.

Highlights of Friday (second day):

Emerging Talent and Fashion Show by Splash Fashions

The highlight of the day was the opening show, a unique initiative to encourage future creators. The winner of the FAD Emerging Talent Show was Areej Rimawi.

Fashion Week 2021 turned out to be the trampoline from which she launched her modern and modest collection. And the Rimawis collection was a perfect example of modest Dubai style with a touch of culture.

Limak by Kamil

Designer inspired by his roots, Kamil refined his passion to evolve as an expert in glamorous evening wear. The Kamils ​​collections have been elegantly constructed, with a sense of drama.

Having designed for Sri Lankan celebrities, international beauty pageants like Miss Universe, Miss International and Supermodel Of The World, Limak by Kamil presented the same touch of class in Dubai. Its design story revolved around a touch of vintage with a modern twist, perfect for the Dubai red carpet.

I was Marwah

Upwards and Onwards has had a significant and positive impact, sparking hope. The strong Marwah stripes, the geometries, the fine cuts, have been heavily retouched; its hand-painted designs, a subtle reminder to meet and overcome the challenges of the pandemic.

But the highlights of the show were Marwah’s womenswear. A capsule collection with a clean design, with a magnificent cut, showing the ability of designers to reflect the refinement and finesse expected by the powerful woman of today.

Rocky S

Known for his iconic style of Bollywood divas, the new Rockys collection is an ode to the galactic world.

The twinkling, twinkling light of the stars reflected through a combination of classic black and antique gold was pure and brilliant. The detailed sparkling sequin embroidery gave it an edge.

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