Here’s how an Echo Show smart display takes Alexa to the next level


Some people find the current state of smart home tech way too overwhelming to bother with. Then, at the other end of the spectrum, we have smart home enthusiasts who want anything and everything in their homes to be connected. Of course, there’s one thing that unites these two groups that are otherwise polar opposites: They typically both use a smart home voice assistant like Amazon’s Alexa.

Alexa is awesome at answering questions, playing music, and so much more. But people also love to control their smart home gadgets with Alexa, since it works with so many different devices from Amazon and other brands. But if you’re not using Alexa with a smart display like an Echo Show, then you’re not using it to its fullest. The Echo Show 5 and Echo Show 8 are on sale right now starting at $64.99, so it’s the perfect time to see what makes them so great.

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Amazon’s Echo Show lineup truly offers the best of both worlds.

On one hand, you get an Echo device that gives you hands-free access to Alexa just like an Echo smart speaker (don’t miss our guide on Echo Dot deals, by the way). This way, you can ask Alexa questions or control your smart home devices anytime you’re within range.

Then, on top of that, you get a display. This is a game-changer because it adds a visual element to Alexa. Now, you can ask Alexa to show you things like videos, recipes, or articles on BGR.

That’s how devices like the Echo Show take Alexa to the next level. Instead of only being able to tell you things, they let Alexa show you things. Whether it’s a website like BGR when you want to read tech news, or a recipe site when it’s time to cook dinner. You can also tell Alexa to show you videos on YouTube, and so much more.


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